When you've come to terms with the idea that you're not having children, you've reassessed your life goals, felt relieved that you're comfortable with your selfish lifestyle, sleeping in; life just throws you a curly one.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Seriously, this whole pregnancy brain thing is really annoying!
Last time it took me three trips to the supermarket in half a day to make pumpkin risotto (mainly because I forgot the pumpkin ~ derr!).
Today was a similar scenario: 3 trips to the supermarket to make a fish curry. First I forgot the yoghurt, then I had no paprika (which previously I had 2 containers of in the pantry, but both have been turfed out at some stage).
I can't function like this! Arrrrrrgh!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Peanut butter

After doing further research on the internet, I am going to eat peanut butter again.
Seems there is no real danger to eating peanut butter (or peanuts) during pregnancy. As long as I don't eat a whole jar every week, which makes me ill thinking about it!
All I want is the occasional peanut butter and jam (or jelly if you're American) sandwich. And just the idea that I shouldn't eat it was enough to make me crave it!
Now I will be able to satisfy my urges.

So emotional

Who would have thought I cared so much about the Winter Olympics Women's Aerials medal finals. There were tears I tell ya!
Go Aussies!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ba humbug

Feeling a little on edge today. Have no patience. Easily irritated.
Hope its just the hormones and will pass soon. Don't like feeling like this.
Must maintain a state of calm... ohm...

Size progression

So the fetus is now the size of a lime! Hard to imagine as I'm not really showing. But the OB did say that when he ultrasounded me, that the uterus must be facing forward and the baby was maybe only a few centimeters from the ultrasound thingy. Which means my guts are elsewhere! Even though I look bloated at times, especially by the end of the day after breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

OB Day

Met our OB today. What a lovely guy. And he is only 10 minutes away and the clinic has parking - all very convenient!
Unexpectedly he did a quick ultrasound of my tummy, and lo and behold: a little baby with a tiny heartbeat. What a pleasant surprise! It still doesn't feel real, but that has got to make it more tangible.
Next week I do a blood test, then the following week the ultrasound for the combined screening for abnormalities. Apparently these days, you can have the amnio or CVS on the same day. That is very efficient indeed, that way you get the results pronto (if need be) and you can quickly move on to the next phase.
I won't relax until we get the all clear, 1/1000 diagnosis. *sigh*

Monday, February 22, 2010

10 weeks

Tomorrow we meet the OB. Very interested to see how that goes.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I don't know how working mums do it. I am fortunate enough not to be working a 9 to 5 job, and I am struggling to stay energetic and motivated. So tired! All the time! And I don't have to turn up to work or have other children to look after. I am counting my lucky stars that I can have a nanna nap in the afternoon if I need to.
I do have work to do, but I keep procrastinating... the benefits of being your own boss, but deadlines are still deadlines! ... Maybe tomorrow I'll start.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Had a headache today.
Tried to take it easy and sleep it off and avoid taking anything.
But by the end of the day I had to pop a panadol and the headache cleared in an hour or so.
My boobs have stopped hurting and have lost some 'bulk'. The constipation has eased and my tummy is not so bloated.
Miscarriage is still on the back of my mind... the statistic of 1/50 find they have miscarried at their first trimester scan is something I am well aware of. Bring on the scan I say.
Still, less than a week til we meet the OB.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 9

So the fetus is the size of a prune.
Ironic really, as it appears I need some prunes to get me regular again! Constipation sucks!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

First concert

Our fetus went to its first concert last night: ACDC! It was loud man!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


I have bought some C cup bras that are soooo comfortable (I am usually a small B). As well as stretchy yoga shorts for pilates (those skin tight 3/4 trackies just aren't doing it for me any more!). And something to hold those puppies when I sleep. I'm sure I'll be back for those really unattractive maternity bras *shudders*.

The circle widens

So the family took the news well.
My mum-in-law squealed with glee and made us all cry (well, me and cousin in law). FIL was pretty chuffed, but he tends to not show too much emotion.
My dad was overjoyed - he is the weakest link in this whole 'tell no one' business.
SIL was also very excited and announced to my 22 month old nephew that he will have a little cousin to boss around in no time.
My brother was out, but he rang to speak to me later, but as he was dialing, my dad told him he was going to be an uncle. So, dad IS the weakest link! Can't even keep it to himself for an evening!
Hope he can hold on for 4 more weeks... I dread to think.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


How do bigger breasted women cope?! Being more used to little easter eggs, these bangers are just too much! Especially as they are tender to boot. Tug of war with the dog requires wearing a sports bra these days!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tentatively spreading the word

Ok so the other day (Monday) Hubby "accidentally" told someone about our impending parenthood. He was being quizzed about kids and all that, and he said he just couldn't lie any more. It wasn't even his best friend! We had toyed with the idea of telling one person each (other than immediate family), so he blew his one with this person!
So I in turn rang my BFF and told her the news. I was surprisingly emotional about it. She was over the moon. Of course its very mean of me to make her keep the secret for another 4 weeks, but she's been in that position before with other friends, so I'm sure the practice will steer her well.
Today we're going to have lunch with Hubby's parents and tell them the news. Tomorrow night we are having dinner with my Dad and brother and SIL and nephew to tell them the news.
Its now becoming very official...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In the way

Last night was a hot night, so I didn't have much on to sleep. Boy did my boobs get in the way. I felt them every time I rolled over. Not just their size, but they are a bit sore.
Time to get a new bra I think.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hurdles, hurdles

Good grief.
So my preferred hospital is booked. I am on the waitlist, but if someone comes along after me, and has delivered there before, they take the priority.
Bloody hell.
First choice OB: let down.
First choice hospital: let down.
This baby business is a pain in the backside!


Yeah! I got into an OB!
What a relief.
Booked in to see him on the 23rd. Have to book my ultrasound already for the 12-13 week scan beforehand.
We really have to be organised to have a baby! No more last minute appointments for us any more.
Its scary how much is involved and that's even before the baby is born! The sign of times to come ~ scary!

Need fibre

I feel like I'm putting food in, but nothing is coming out the other end.
I don't have a baby bump developing, its just my tummy!!
I had some takeaway asian fried rice last night and I ate the whole tub by myself!

8 weeks

My embryo has become a fetus and is apparently the size of a medium olive.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bless me

Had severe hayfever today.
I had to, I needed to, so I googled antihistamines and found out that one of the approved drugs that I had in my arsenal was a.o.k. to take.
Oh blessed relief!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Not hungry

After the cafe fiasco, I haven't had much of an appetite. I have eaten half an apple, some rice crisps. For dinner I had a bottle of water and a jam donut. Not really hungry.
Hubby had a small pizza which I had one slice of and that is it.

Food aversion?

So we take the dog for a walk down to a local cafe.
I'm hungry.
I look at the menu, and nothing really calls to me. I think the scrambled eggs could be ok.
They arrive.
I'm suddenly not hungry.
I eat it, and its fine. But then the texture/taste/something makes me feel somewhat queasy.
I didn't finish it.
Weird and annoying.
Maybe I'll have an apple instead...

Too late!

Just rang to book my first appointment with the OB my Doc has recommended.
Obviously a very popular man, as apparently I am too late. They are booked out for September and are now taking bookings for the 2nd week of October.
October?! I would have had to book in when I missed my period! Sheesh!
So it begins. I'm sure we'll be too late for child care, too late for kinder, probably too late for the preferred primary school and secondary school!
Our blazé lifestyle will have to be better planned from now on from the looks.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Doctor today

Blood work etc came back fine, except I'm a bit low in Vitamin D. Thought I was in the sun enough, but I have to take a supplement.
We chose an obstetrician and hospital.
And we got swine flu shots. Other flu shots we'll get in March.
Also told the pilates instructor this morning, thought it might be pertinent that she knew, just in case she had some crazy advanced pilates move she wants me to try in the future.
I was absolutely spent after our 1 hour session. And after we had lunch, I was ready to crash. So, so tired. Had one of those sweet sleeps, but it was only half an hour, then we had to go see the doc. I was not happy!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I have been trying to not sleep too much over night. I like to have my 8 hours and I'm happy. Any more than that and I feel tired for the rest of the day.
But since conception, I tend to turn the alarm off and lay in bed for another hour before getting up (I hear this is good for morning sickness, even though I haven't had any).
This morning, after going to sleep at 2am (and waking up a couple of times to pee and tossing and turning feeling hot then cold - we had a warm overnight temperature), I turned the alarm off at 10am and didn't wake up til 11:30!
My body obviously needs it, as I don't feel too wrecked with that extra sleep. But most of the day is already gone and I was going to be productive.
Must try and get to bed before midnight, seriously.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

No way José

I really could go a fresh salmon sushi handroll with wasabi and ginger and soy...


Hubby asked me how often do I think about being pregnant. I said, well, every time I'm peckish, every time I go to the loo, every time I feel a light cramp, and every time I feel my tender boobs.
So, a lot!
I feel like I'm eating more than I normally do. I'm not in reality, but my after food tummy never seems to subside. Or maybe that's just the water retention?? Gawd I hope so, cos I don't want blow up like a balloon too much! That is the aim.
Still a bit tired. Well, not so much tired, but low in energy. It was quite warm today and we walked the dog to a cafe for lunch, and after eating and proceeding to walk home, I felt really low in energy. Then I bombed for the rest of the day. I didn't get that much done at all. Hoping tomorrow is more productive.

Monday, February 1, 2010

7 weeks

Its the size of a raspberry now. Mmm... raspberries...