When you've come to terms with the idea that you're not having children, you've reassessed your life goals, felt relieved that you're comfortable with your selfish lifestyle, sleeping in; life just throws you a curly one.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maternity ward tour at hospital #1

Which is my second choice hospital.
Hubby was a little freaked by the whole thing by the end, as I think it is really sinking in now.
This one has no bath, but they're happy for you to use the shower. They have fit balls as well for use.
They all seem very nice, and its a small hospital, so there is a small chance of not being in a private room at the start, which would be a bummer.
We got given a little show bag at the end that had some interesting brochures etc.
Another tour is booked for hospital #2 first choice next week.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

15 weeks, 2nd OB check up

BP: good. Blood tests: good. Heartbeat: good.

He took longer than (I) anticipated to find the heartbeat, and for a moment, my heart stopped. But there it was blobbing away on the doppler thingy.

He said that I was 1/3 to have a C-section. I bloody hope not! I want to be the other 2/3 thank you very much!

My next 2 milestones are the 20 week scan and the glucose test.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Appointments galore

Off for the flu vaccine today.
OB next Tuesday, maternity ward tour next Wednesday at the hospital, and another maternity tour the following week at the wait-listed hospital.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

14 weeks

Even though most research says that from now on, the fetus' growth now goes in starts and spurts, so a month by month guestimation is harder, I will just go with the general findings.
So at 14 weeks, its the size of a navel orange.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weight gain

Stood on the Wii Fit this morning.
I have gained 2kgs since before my pregnancy. I guess that's good progress.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Those shorts

that were always a bit loose in the waist, now fit perfectly! But they won't be much good to me in cooler climes.

Fetus is the size of a lemon.


Haven't worn my jeans for just over a week due to our warm weather.
Put them on today, and its just that much more comfortable to have the button undone. I mean I could button it up. but its just that teeny, tiny bit too tight.
It was going to happen eventually, but now I am precariously poised somewhere in between maternity jeans and my pre-pregnancy ones.
Time to go shopping I think.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Should I feel guilty telling someone I am pregnant, when that someone has been trying for an eternity, and even IVF has failed them?
I know I shouldn't really, but I can't help thinking that its a kick in the teeth to the other person. Particularly when my pregnancy has been totally natural, and they have been trying so hard for so long.

The numbers

Well, being pregnant at my age (37) puts me at 1/130 for DS. But with the scan and the combined blood test the number is a more reasonable 1/2710. But there is still that one chance, as with friends of ours who had quite a low chance, and their daughter was born with DS.
There are further tests to do obviously to rule it out completely, as in CVS or an amnio. But with the low measurement and the presence of a bone in the nose structure at this early stage has made us quite confident not to go ahead with those tests.
But I guess we'll definitely find out in September!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Like never before

I'm liking these boobs!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Such a relief

to let people know our news!

Still haven't got our numbers for DS, as the lab had a technical issue for collating the combined blood and scan today and were severely backed up. Find out Monday, but the Radiologist and Doc were confident to give us a 1/1000 chance without the blood result.

Scan Day

So far so good, its all textbook. Everything is as it should be, on track for the 20th September.
Hubby is relieved, for now, until the 20 week scan! Such a worry wart he is.
Bub is 6cm. We're calling it Cheezel for now. There was a near leak on Facebook last night around the subject of Cheezels and cheese (my brother is a doofus), so I think its an apt name for now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Had a time this morning passing a bowel movement. OMG it was like moving a rock through a hose! Painful stuff, for not much reward! I'm going to have to resort to the dreaded prune juice, I can't go on like this!
I dragged myself to pilates (without brekkie ~ too much time spent on the can!) but I left feeling energised and recharged amazingly. The instructor gave me some exercises to help "get me moving" down below.
And after lunch, voila ~ another (not so painful) bowel movement. Thank goodness.
Then I thought I would have a nanna nap for a little bit... 2.5 hours later!! Yikes! Who knew I needed so much sleep!? Bummer, now I'm tired!
Two more sleeps til the scan...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Its not all peaches

This peach inside me is really draining my energy.
So tired today. Judging by the cramping and expanding inside my abdomen, I guess its understandable that I am so tired today. Its a bit frustrating being so tired all the time.
Bring on the second trimester please!

Happy 12 weeks

The cramping continued for most of the night, I tossed and turned to get comfortable.
It woke me up at 7:30 in the morning. With slight, mild panic, I googled some helpful advice (while still in bed ~ I love my iPhone) and decided that going to the loo was what I needed to do.
So after emptying my bladder, with no other unusual signs, but a sharp pain in my groin as the pressure was released, the pain finally subsided.
Ahh sweet sleep.
I woke up again at midday!! Yikes! I'd better get used to this lack of sleep I guess. Can't imagine what it will be like when my belly is huge!
So far, no pain except when I relieve my bladder, but I can live with that.


I'm getting little cramps in my lower abdomen. Especially when I get up from lying down, or I move and twist my lower body.
Its the ligaments stretching apparently. From my uterus expanding or my digestive tract expanding ~ I'm not too sure! The bloating is still there and the constipation I've come to terms with. I just have to be patient and "take the time" to sit and contemplate.
My body is going through so much, it just boggles the mind.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Have had a headache/mild migraine for the past day and a half.
I hoped that I could sleep it off, but after 12 hours, it was futile. So I thought the chiropractor might help with the tension in my neck and shoulders.
It helped a little.
But after another afternoon nap, it has not abated. Drank lots of water to no avail.
So I have resorted to taking a panadol. I know its ok to take it during pregnancy, but I am trying to avoid any unnatural interventions.
But I can't take it any more. Its almost 10pm and I have flown the white flag.

Oh I had my blood test for the combined downs syndrome tests today. Next Friday is the scan.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

2nd concert

Last night the fetus experienced its second concert in as many months.
This time it was George Michael.
I normally don't go to so many gigs, but its just happened that way.
Or maybe I'm just trying to cram as much in as possible while I am able to do these things on whim!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

11 weeks

Ah, the bloating.
Ah, the constipation.
Ah, the gas.