When you've come to terms with the idea that you're not having children, you've reassessed your life goals, felt relieved that you're comfortable with your selfish lifestyle, sleeping in; life just throws you a curly one.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

28 weeks 2 days

Those kicks are getting stronger and stronger. Luckily, Cheezel is still transverse so I haven't had many kicks in the ribs or pelvis. Still, the side kicks aren't exactly ticklish!
So bub is the size of a cabbage head. Hmm.

Friday, June 25, 2010


I'm not there yet, but I think I can better understand why pregnant women do it.
I don't think it's because of the weight and bulk of the baby and uterus, its the discomfort of the rubbing pelvic bones! I found this on the Spinning Babies website:

"Another type of pubic bone pain is from the natural separation of the pubis symphysis joint by the hormones of pregnancy. Some women will get particularly loose. Then the bone rubs together when she rolls over at night or walks".

I know what that feels like! No more power walking for me, just normal walking is a bit ouchie and rolling over in bed too. And I'm only 6 months! More joys to come I'm sure.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Wow, Cheezel's kicks are getting stronger. Not sure what is more uncomfortable - the strong kicks or the stretching the baby does.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Glucose screen

Had my glucose screening test today.
That stuff tasted like lemonade, for the first half, then it was just too sweet.
BP was fine, baby's heartbeat was fine too.
Funny the side effects of that glucose drink, getting the yawns near the end of the hour.
I'm sure it'll all be ok, everything else has been text book.
I will hear from my OB if there is any concern.
Next appointment July 13.

Monday, June 21, 2010

3rd Trimester - 27 weeks

Only 12 weeks-ish left! The time sure has flown.
So according to literature, this should be the trimester of not so much fun. So far so good, but we shall see.
Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower. Sure feels like it!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tummy troubles

I had my first real tummy ache since I found out I was pregnant. Not bad for almost 6 months!
But it was weird, because the painful part of my digestive system is now pushed a bit further up towards my rib cage. And where I used to be able to clutch at my guts when I had a spasm, I couldn't as my uterus was in the way and my ribs were also in the way. What a pain! Plus my system has slowed to injest all the nutrients, meant that the painful bits were prolonged as well.
Anyway, it wasn't fun. I lost a couple of hours sleep and spent it on the can instead.
On the positive side, I'm working my way through the loo book, which is Bart Cummings' autobiography.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Every time I try to power walk, I get a stitch. Very annoying.
And when I bend down a little and lift my leg (like in the shower so I can soap my legs) it also hurts a little below the belly, next to my pelvis.
Those stretched muscles are having a time coping with "normal" non pregnant activities.
Had dinner with friends who are recent new parents, along with a couple who are expecting next month, and they joked that they had the same long, Ikea shoe horn; the one you can use while still standing up. They said it should be passed on to the next expectant mother like a baton.
So far, I can still bend over and put my shoes on. Besides, I have visions of my dear Hubby putting my shoes on for me! Ha!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sport and veg

My uterus has grown from a soccer ball into a basketball, and Cheezel is the length of a cucumber!

Monday, June 14, 2010

26 weeks

Last night I had Hubby place his hand under my side (with me lying on his hand on my side) so he could feel the baby kick a little stronger.
He was visibly (and audibly) shocked by the sensation of little feet (I assume) kicking vigorously at his hand. And he could feel the baby turning slowly too.
Just my everyday experience these days. Its still amazes him that there is someone alive in there.
My Aunty (Mum's sister) is here from OS so I was happy to have her have a feel of her grand nephew or niece's little kicks, seeing as Mum isn't here to share this with me.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weird food combos

Heidi Murkoff's 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' suggested a snack option:
apple with peanut butter.
I was skeptical.
But I have an open mind and will try almost anything at least once.
And you know... it wasn't that bad as a combination.
That's where all those weird cravings come from: they're suggested by other people!

Line up

My faint linea negra under my belly button has progressed past my belly button.
Very interesting (and perfectly normal).

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sleep, sleep, sleep

Well last night was the first night that I had to get up twice to go to the bathroom. Mainly because Cheezel was stretching and spinning around and putting pressure down there.
I'm sure there will be more of this to come as he/she gets more and more cramped in there.
My belly at 25 weeks, just felt it looked particularly large that I had to take a quick pic.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I have a cold. Yuck.
The sneezing, the watery eyes, the running nose, the congestion.
Not fun at all!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Went to a dinner party last night, caught up with friends whom we haven't seen since our announcement.
It was amazing the stories and advice. The main advice being "do what is right for you and don't worry about all the opinions"!
Then they all tried to convince us not to find out the sex of the bub before the birth.
Well, we will take their advice and "do what's right for us!"

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I've never had the duel sensation of feeling full in the belly yet hungry all at the same time.
Very strange indeed.
Meanwhile, I can spend hours just laying on the couch feeling and watching my belly wriggle and bounce of its own accord.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Check up

24 week check up with the OB today. Alls well, nothing unusual to report. Next appointment in a fortnight for my glucose screening.
Did you know that around 65,000 babies are born in Victoria a year? That's like 175+ a day! No wonder the traffic is getting worse!

And I finished the mobile for the nursery. Haven't decided if it will be the one that goes over the cot or the change table. I think it turned out ok.
