When you've come to terms with the idea that you're not having children, you've reassessed your life goals, felt relieved that you're comfortable with your selfish lifestyle, sleeping in; life just throws you a curly one.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tick tick tick

I think I've been having a few more Braxton Hicks. No pain, no discomfort, just a very tight tummy/uterus for half a minute or so. Its only a few times a day.

Had a small bit of old bloody discharge. Only a miniscule amount, but enough to be noticeable. So I called the OB office just to let them know. I'm not concerned, but I think I'm supposed to report these things, so I did just out of due diligence. If there was a concern, then they would call me back to come in. So there was no phone call. I see him on Tuesday anyway.

The signs are just starting to show... hurry up house, so we can move in before I go into labour!!

Oooh. Slightly more discoloured discharge... Not a whole lot, but noticeable! Been doing some googling and I may have as much as 2 more weeks to a month. I hope so!
Hubby is a little gob smacked. I ummed and ahhed about telling him, because I knew what his reaction would be, but then he'd be upset if I hadn't had told him.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I weighed myself at the last OB visit and the number was 58kgs (about 11 more than my pre-pregnancy weight).
Here is a weight gain calculator that I found at www.babycenter.com.au

Uterus: 1.1 kgs
Breasts: 0.5 kgs
Blood: 1.4 kgs
Water: 1.9 kgs
Fat: 3.8 kgs
Subtotal: 8.6 kgs

Your baby:
Fetus: 3.4 kgs
Placenta: 0.7 kgs
Amniotic Fluid: 0.9 kgs
Subtotal: 5.0 kgs

Total: 13.6 kgs

Of course, its just an estimate!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

36 weeks

I've finally made the watermelon stage!
36 week check up today, my OB wasn't there as he was in delivery, but the midwife was there as always. BP is good, and baby's heartbeat is good. Still all going as expected.
Now we have weekly check ups. The next one will be after our ante-natal class and my breast feeding workshop, so we may or may not have any questions for him specifically.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bags are packed!

Went and completed my hospital list for what to bring to hospital.
The baby bag has been ready for over a week, but I have been slow on my things: maternity bra/nursing top, decent pjs, slippers (only my granny wears slippers!), comfortable day clothes (trackie daks!) and a robe. Plus a tee shirt for labour.
So now I'm ready in the event of an early arrival. Oh, except for toothpaste, I want to buy one of those mini ones you get for travelling.
I guess there are other things to bring too, like a camera, my iPod etc for the moment of truth. Maybe I should have those on stand by too so its easy to grab at any moment.

Watched this amazing video the other night, and I made Hubby watch it too: Natural Unmedicated Birth (2nd baby)
Warning: its warts and all!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Went to a TENs information workshop today. Very interesting.
Certainly worth having as another weapon in my arsenal of pain relief and drug avoidance.
I will order my kit in a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweet sleep

Wow, I actually slept through the night. Didn't even wake up for the loo. Woke up to lightness coming through the window and feeling rested.
I must have been physically and emotionally exhausted yesterday.
Feeling much better and motivated to get some things done.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I need another relaxing massage.
I had a serious case of preggo rage today. Had so much to do and not enough time. And other people just got in my way. I mean, how slow can one drive?! Ggggrrrrrr.
By the time I got to my last destination I was oscillating between punching someone out and bursting into tears.
I didn't even have time to think about my Mum much today. It has been 4 years since her passing. The time sure has flown, and I'm sure she was shaking her head at me for being so irrational today. Ah well. I blame the hormones.
Love you Mum, miss you.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I redeemed my massage voucher that Hubby gave me for my birthday.
It was really wonderfully relaxing. I almost fell asleep and did not want to get up from the futon. The whole experience was only spoilt by having to drive myself home again.
They recommend having a massage every 2 weeks prior to birth. Sounds good to me!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Wow, the nerve pinching is getting a little more severe.
I was putting together some cupboards (gotta love Ikea) and was predominantly on the floor, moving slowly. But I would get the weirdest twinges eminating from my groin and down my thighs. Both sides at different times, on the floor as well as standing up. Kind of like when you hit your funny bone.
Man, this uterus sure is getting in the way of me getting things done!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Baby bag is packed and ready. Now I have to finish packing mine. I have most of the bits and pieces the hospital has listed, just need to go out and get some "comfortable day clothes, an old t-shirt for labour, maternity bra/top, nighties and slippers".
Then I can rest easy knowing that all we have to do is grab the two bags.
Not that its going to happen any time soon, I still have 6 weeks to go! But somehow 6 weeks doesn't sound like that long away.
I have to buy a fit ball too, I love sitting on those things and apparently they're handy for labour.

Gee, I hope the new house will be ready in time. But I am prepared to have the baby in this old house. Just would prefer not to, but I'm being realistic. Bub can sleep in a bassinet until we can move in. The thing is, the baby room will probably be ready, and maybe even our room (we're getting a new bed) it all hinges on the bathrooms. If they're not ready, there's no point in moving in. Painting should be finished in no time, then the carpets can go in probably if most of the bathroom has been tackled. Hydronic takes 2 days and is booked for early September, so we're using that as a rough date to start moving in.
Speaking of which, better start packing and culling stuff...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sore pelvis

Did a bit of walking and getting in and out of cars today.
A bit sore in the pelvis.
Hubby says "maybe you shouldn't walk around". Well, its difficult not to be walking around when I'm the one making dinner, I'm the one feeding the dogs etc etc.
What about doing the walking for me?
So helpful.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

34 weeks

Check up at the OB went a.o.k as usual. BP good, strong baby's heartbeat etc.
See him again in 2 weeks. He says I have a neat little package!

I have noticed in the past 36 hours or so, I'm getting weird twinges around my inner thighs, eminating from my groin. Definitely like nerves being pinched. I think the head is nestling in there and causing all sorts of pressure here and there. Not a nice sensation. I fear the time of leg cramps are coming up, people have warned me!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sight unseen

I've lost sight of my, uh, intimate parts.
They have set beyond my belly. Or rather, my belly has eclipsed them perhaps.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


... on the inside!
Cheezel has been booting me in the ribs of late. Forcing me to sit up straight at least.
But Cheezel's head is also giving me weird sensations down low, somewhere above my bladder. It feels like headbutting is also part of the internal gymnastics; and sometimes my pelvis cops a boot or punch. The right side of my uterus has taken the brunt of the baby's physical force ever since I could feel movement; it has always been on the right. Bodes well for childbirth anyway, I think the position is one of the more ideal ones for natural child birth. Fingers crossed.
Meanwhile the pelvic instability has continued to give me a bit of grief. I have to take it easy tomorrow, did a bit too much walking today. Dammit.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Life and death.

My grandma-in-law passed away this week. She was 93 years old.
We went to her funeral today, and it was really lovely actually. She was buried with her husband who died in 1969(?). Hubby never met him. I got to meet many of hubby's relatives.
But she has missed out on her first great grandchild by 7 weeks. When my dad-in-law said that during his tribute it made me really sad. This little baby means so much to so many people and its not even born yet. That is wonderful. So loved already.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I have had 2 days (not consecutively) of yucky tummy aches. Ones that wake you up and make you pant with pain. No, not Braxton Hicks. Something I ate. And the pain of whatever evil thing I ate takes a few hours to pass through the point of discomfort. Not a nice feeling. Gives me practice for pain control that's for sure. Breathe, breathe.
Just wears me out.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

33 weeks

Wow, I can't believe its only 7 weeks to go-ish. I have ticked off the things on the list for the hospital stay for bub and I. Just in case. Have ordered the baby bag that should arrive this week, and I think we'd better go get the pram with bassinet next week. Just in case.
So Cheezel is the size of a pineapple. I think they should have used a better analogy; a pineapple seems too prickly to give birth to really!

I'm feeling optimistic for the reno's to be done in time for us to move in before the birth. Got to keep positive!

Monday, August 2, 2010

The sign of things to come

So this is the first of many, many scenes to come in the future I am sure.
Luckily we opted for the large heated towel rail for the laundry which will be the indoor clothes line, as most of these baby things are "do not tumble dry". What is with that? How bloody impractical! lol
Then again, they grow out of their clothes so quickly that it probably wouldn't matter if they got ruined eventually after a few goes in the dryer; new clothes in the next size will then be called for.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Baby shower

My best friends organised a baby shower for me, and I had a very fun afternoon with lots of games and gifts. Pooie nappy guessing game was a fave!
And Cheezel was given lots of practical and beautiful gifts, spoilt before being born!