When you've come to terms with the idea that you're not having children, you've reassessed your life goals, felt relieved that you're comfortable with your selfish lifestyle, sleeping in; life just throws you a curly one.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

D Day

Its funny. I needed to see my doctor anyway for 2 unrelated issues: I had a blocked ear that was bugging me and needed some help clearing; and I needed a tetanus booster for my volunteer work at an animal shelter (that I was hoping to do this year, after reassessing my life goals!).
So I tell her about these two things first before presenting her with the pregnancy test.
She was surprised and happy for us, of course. So she orders some blood tests etc and then asked if we had decided where we were going to have this baby.
We're still processing the fact that we're even pregnant and haven't even thought about hospitals and obstetricians etc. I mean, I have heard that we should be putting the child down for schools already, but let's just get the blood confirmation first!
Public or private? Am I even covered for private?? What's conveniently close but good by reputation??? Decisions, decisions.
Let's wait to see what the bloods say.
I am still expecting a miscarriage any day now, seriously. I never thought my body, my uterus was up to this!
We see the doc again next Thursday to discuss the results.

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