When you've come to terms with the idea that you're not having children, you've reassessed your life goals, felt relieved that you're comfortable with your selfish lifestyle, sleeping in; life just throws you a curly one.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Good and the Ugh

32 weeks OB check up, alls well as usual.
We had a little sneak peek at baby today; head is down, back is on the left and the hands and feet are on the right. Ideal! Now stay there for the next 8 weeks or so.
On the ugh side: my cough has turned into a nasally cold. Yuck. Not sure which I prefer, but I knew it was going to progress to this stage. As long as I'm over it in a few days and before the baby shower.

I always thought honeydews were the same size to canteloupes, but apparently baby is the size of a honeydew, even though it has already been compared to a canteloupe earlier on. Oh well.

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