Cheezel is the size of a butternut squash. Something we have been eating a lot of ~ yum! I have a box of Cheezels waiting for me in the pantry to munch on in a weakened moment...
I've had a few nose bleeds, which I read is normal as I have more blood volume or something. But it only really happens on the odd occasion that I blow my nose. Luckily they're not gushers.
The movements are becoming stronger and a little more uncomfortable. I'm dying to know exactly what position the baby is in. I can't really tell. Well, I have a vague idea; I think its transverse, with feet on the right side of me. But its been in that position since I could feel the first kicks. Surely Cheezel wouldn't stay in the one position for so long? I need to know so I can help it get into the optimal delivery position (head down, facing my tail bone, feet up preferably). I think the OB said he could tell at around 32 weeks, which is not that far away now.
Some advise counting kicks (which my OB hasn't asked me to do, just asks if there has been any; I think they don't want to freak expectant mothers out about not feeling enough kicking). Well Cheezel is kicking way over the minimum they suggest (at least 10 kicks an hour) so I'm not worried. Now that they are stronger, I feel them more often, whilst I'm out and about, and not just during quiet times.
Hubby has his Dad's Workshop next week. Then we have our Day Antenatal Workshop, and my Breast Feeding Workshop. I might see if I can sneak into the Early Pregnancy Workshop to speak to the physio about my rubbing pelvic bones. Or maybe there really isn't much I can do about it at this stage, except keep doing my strengthening exercises. Well at least it bodes well for a natural delivery. My body is co-operating, just need the baby to do the same and get into the right posi too!